Saturday, August 11, 2012

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 27.5lbs at my 34 week appointment
Maternity clothes? yep
Stretch marks? a few, none on my tummy yet though (knock on wood!)
Sleep: Not so great.I have a really tough time finding a comfortable position these days
Best moment this week: Going to my 34 week check up and hearing that everything is going well and that next visit I get to start coming weekly and they will start checking me for signs of dilation and effacement! I can't believe how close we're getting. I'm so excited to meet my little boy!
Miss anything? Being able to sleep comfortably
Movement? Yep :) I love feeling him move around, especially when he presses his feet out to where I can feel them. I also love watching Andrew feel him move each night. He's so excited and seeing that and thinking about how great of a dad he's going to be melts my heart
Food cravings: Fruit and sweets as always. Also honey nut cheerios, which has been pretty constant throughout my pregnancy. Logan's either going to love or hate them later in life :)
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular. I have had a couple of unexplained queasy moments, but nothing too bad
Gender? Boy
Labor signs? Nope
Symptoms: Rib pain, Braxton Hicks, mild headaches, leg cramps, general feelings of being uncomfortable
Belly button in or out? Starting to poke was hanging on so well!
Wedding ring on or off? On, most of the time. I may have to take it off soon. I've had a couple of moments where I couldn't get it off
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Going to the city next weekend to buy everything to finish off the nursery!

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