Monday, August 27, 2012

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 28lbs at my 36 week check up
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? A couple of small ones on my side/hips
Sleep: Alright, I'm exhausted every night but its hard to get comfortable and then even more difficult to shut my mind off
Best moment this week: Going to my 36 week check up and finding out I'm already starting to dilate!
Miss anything? sitting and sleeping normally
Movement? Yep, still a fair amount of stretching and squirming going on in there
Food cravings: Sweets and fruits. In particular smores and honey nut cheerios
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing in particular but I've had a few nauseas moments this week
Gender? Boy
Labor signs? Dilated to 2cm and 60% effaced...let the waiting game begin!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, rib pain, leg cramps, tired, occasional nausea
Belly button in or out? Half and half
Wedding ring on or off? Off, I finally had to put it up and replaced it with my high school class ring that was originally made to fit my middle finger
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Baby boy's arrival! Just a month or less away, I can't believe it!

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