Saturday, August 18, 2012

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 weeks
Total weight gain: up 28lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Depends on the day, I'm definitely very tired again, like I was first trimester. And I'm not enjoying it because I constantly feel like I need to nap but I'm also nesting so all I can see is all the things around the house that need to be done
Best moment this week: Shopping for a dresser and rocking chair with Andrew. We still haven't found the perfect ones (planning a trip to Oklahoma City next weekend to shop) but I love planning the nursery together :)
Miss anything? sitting and sleeping normally and being able to do my job easily. Setting up a preschool classroom when you can barely reach your toes is not an easy task and I doubt it will get any easier when the students start coming on Monday!
Movement? Still feeling alot. He is getting big in there! I feel kicks and punches in every part of my belly without him having to hardly move. I'm thinking he's going to have some long legs and arms
Food cravings: Sweets and fruit. I ate half a cantalope every day this week!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope
Gender? Boy
Labor signs? Nope....can't believe in a few weeks I'll be saying yes to this question!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, rib pain, leg cramps
Belly button in or out? half and half
Wedding ring on or off? Depends on the day. It drives me crazy not to wear it but it has gotten stuck on my finger a couple of times so I may have to take it off for good soon
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: His arrival!!! I can't believe its only 35 days away!

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