Sunday, April 8, 2012

16 Weeks

How far along? 16 weeks, 2days
Total weight gain/loss: up 3 or 4 lbs...I'll find out for sure at my check up on Tuesday
Maternity clothes? Yes, in fact I am rocking some maternity jeans in this photo. I am still wearing most of my own shirts but jeans are officially packed away
Stretch marks? Sadly yes :( I discovered a couple small ones on the side of my hips. However, my sister-in-law got them there and still managed none on her belly so I'm still holding out hope for that!
Sleep: Sleeping great!
Best moment this week: Having a big enough bump to wear a borrowed maternity shirt :) I am so excited to be showing!
Are you showing? Pretty much...I've officially entered the phase where strangers/acquaintances who don't know yet don't say anything but when I bring up my pregnancy they say "Ok I thought you were! But I didn't want to say anything just in case..."
Miss anything? Sunny side up eggs and sushi
Movement: Possibly....I did have a strange bubble-like/tingly sensation once this week. Definitely a new sensation, possibly my imagination. Hoping for more soon to confirm its not my imagination!
Food cravings: Sweets!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Gender prediction: Still not sure
Labor signs: Nope
Symptoms: Headaches and round ligament pain. My chiropractor gave me a magnesium supplement and I think it may be helping! They've been much milder the last day or so
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to: Feeling for sure movement and finding out the gender!

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